Monday, October 31, 2011

A Little Update

Life is so busy! Which means i have been studying instead of blogging and actually a lot has happened so I think a little update may be needed. Here is what has been going on in the Homestead. So big news.... Natalie, our Natalie, has a boyfriend. I know!! It is exciting, she is a little wild thing running around at all hours of the night ( I go to bed by 11:00 so anything past that is pretty wild to me). She finally has an excuse to be cheesy with someone other than Mr. Freckles, so basically the whole world is happy about the match. Kaitlin got a job, joined a soccer team and is on the USU rugby team... my momma bear instincts are coming out and she is terrifying me. She already came home in need of ice packs, and she has only been on the team for a week. Her first Rugby game is this Saturday, and I am nervous, way more nervous than she is. She is excited though and will be great I am sure. Hopefully she will make it back in one piece. Marcie just returned from an exotic trip to beautiful France. Jealous? Me too. She got lost in the Louve, ( personally, I think she planned that) and had to walk home. Other than that she was safe and had a wonderful time. She experienced the food and even enjoyed it, which knowing the picky Miss Marcie is quite a miracle. Creme brulee was probably the only thing I have heard about since her return to the States. My favorite part of her trip was the fabulous scarves she brought home for us and the boots for herself that I may have plans to steal.  And Tessa you ask? Well other than my fascination with all things pumpkin at the moment (pumpkin bread, pumpkin pancakes, you name it, I want it) I had my family's annual Spook Fest and it was a blast. I was astounded by my family's wit and flexibility in the games we played. I also discovered a small addiction forming to fondue, seriously though, it is so good. Well that is life in the homestead. As wonderful as ever, with lots of excitement to come I am sure!


Friday, October 28, 2011

Second only to Tarantulas.

So we may have a problem in our awesome apartment... spiders. Now no one tell Kaitlin. I have never seen a group of girls go from somewhat normal to hysterics so quickly as Friday night. Well over the past two months we have been finding nature's gift through out our apartment, spiders. But these aren't just any old spiders, they are huge. Really, I had no idea spiders were made like this except tarantulas. One night however the beast came. As Marice and I studied on our couch, Natalie was in the kitchen and all was well in whoville, until Natalie screamed louder than any banshee I have ever heard, Marcie jumped on my lap (that might have been a combined effort of me jumping to her too) and started in on it too. Then we saw it. There on the kitchen floor was by far the biggest spider I. Have. Ever. Seen. We panicked, and at the ear ringing decibel we were shrieking, we thought for sure our neighbors would come and make sure that a serial killer wasn't adding our names to his list.  We were wrong. Natalie, our hero, grabbed a game box and dropped it on the terrible fiend. Well okay she missed the first time but the second time... Victory! Although we were saved from this one, we worry for the next one.( Well, mostly Kaitlin and Marice worry ). If one day we disappeared you will know what has happened to us... the spiders will have won.


A True Blooded Aggie from Utah

We have experienced our first Aggie Games and to quote Miss Natalie, "Everything is so big and so loud" and we wouldn't change a thing. After a couple football and Hockey games we have successfully memorized the Scotsman, and feel like we are true blooded Aggies! If only we could end every game five minutes early we would win everything. I may be the only one but a countdown to basket ball season has begun. After our first games I can't even imagine what a game will be like in the Spectrum, I can't wait.


Monday, September 19, 2011

With all the Grace of a Five Year Old

For two girls that are used to ten roommates, going to only four was a challenge, then going to two... well that is just plain crazy but what can I say me and Nat are pretty wild. Kaitlin and Marcie left for the weekend leaving me and Natalie to our own devices for one super long weekend. On Friday nights I work alone in a computer lab where only a few poor World of Warcraft deprived souls wander in to hide in a corner of the lab and live in fantasy. Meanwhile I study and feed my growing addiction to Facebook and reading random blogs. This particular Friday Natalie decided to accompany me to the Lab and experience the life of a computer consultant herself. Well we did homework, listened to some tunes, laughed and goofed off (now I know what you are thinking, no one was in the lab, I promise). Anyway we get a call and our neighbors invite us to go bowling and with all the grace of a five year old Natalie proclaims, "I hate bowling" well needless to say she was shocked that she had just blurted that out, so we called them back and promised to do something after they bowled.

Well we got back to our apartment, called them and lo and behold they were home... they didn't go bowling after all. Our neighbors seem to now how to do everything and like I said me and Natalie are pretty daring so we finally decided to attempt long boarding. Now neither Natalie or I had ever long boarded so it was an adventure, I definitely was more timid then Natalie but by the end we had determined to buy our own Long boards and conquer our new found love. Personally I want a ukelele and a long board so I can pretend to be Polynesian. The best part other than Natalie speeding down campus and Jason running just to keep up was riding down Old Main. Now before you think I have gone totally Hot Rod on you....we were just sitting on the board. I was actually pretty good, I made it to the bottom of the hill without falling which is quite an accomplishment.

After a heated debated on what to do next, we girls were forced into the driver seats of a manual car. I knew I lacked any confidence in the whole endeavor and judging on Natalie's face she wasn't too hyped up either Well after a couple test runs, I was starting to feel a little more confident, basically I wasn't fighting the urge to cry anymore when, something on the car exploded. Okay, maybe it wasn't exactly an explosion but pretty sure it was terrifying. We got out of the car and Trent's tire had completely blown. I was convinced I would be the first person in history to go down in History as, "The One to Blow a Tire When Learning to Drive a Manual. So... we learned how to change a tire. Something that will come in handy latter on I am sure. But to clear my good name I do need to say that the alignment was off and the tire was down to the steel so it wasn't my fault, I probably just saved a life, call me Wonder Woman if you will.

After long boarding and vandalizing Trent's car, we picked up yet another new skill, slack lining. Now if you are any thing like me this is a completely foreign thing, so here is the gist: essentially a towing rope is attached between two trees and without the aid of the tree, friend or foe you walk across the rope. As the terms implies the line is pretty slack so it is a challenge. But we proceeded to crawl across the line ending our Friday with a new found addiction, slack lining.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Week of Eternity...

I think the one phrase running rampant through out our apartment by the end of the first week was... "It feels like we have been here forever!" Yep just one mere week and we were True Blooded thorough Bred Aggies... well pretty close. The weeks events include a featured movie, Thor, on Old Main Hill (a huge plus to that monstrosity is not only is it fun to roll down it also supplies natures own stadium seating), our first lesson in the art of skateboarding from our new friend Steve the stache and a procrastinated Waffle Wednesday that actually occurred on Thursday (which I am told makes it Thaffle Thursday, but I just can't handle that). Much to the previous angst of Tessa and Marcie, Natalie insisted that having a social life interfere with our once early bedtimes and all girl weekends. But now we can't complain, our once quite apartment complex is opening up and I think we all know, just after the first week, that it is going to be one incredible year.

The First Day!

Well, practically the Freshy freshes on campus we had an adventure our first week at school. Tessa had her first ticket... ever, but in her defense it was only a parking ticket. Who knew that the sign that said only residential parking was enforced? After such an attack against driving, it was best to conquer the mountainous trail to school. Walking a mile to school isn't too bad but the hill in front of our apartment could make even an avid hiker cry, our calf's are going to be awesome! Marcie, who had so long been denied any historical course loved being our favorite history freak and came home ranting new facts, that the rest of us have already forgot. According to Kaitlin, walking to school with Natalie was a little too intense for her. Natalie thought she was running late and took Old Main Hill like a veteran... running. Kait had a pretty chill day after the morning run with Natalie, all her classes getting out early left her time to run into a bunch of old friends, what an awesome first day! After classes ended, it was time to party... at the church. We went to,"Meet Your Bishop Night" and after filling up on ice cream sandwiches and conversation with new friends, we were invited to a concert on Campus. The two random boys ended up being our neighbors, Jason and Trent (who knew?) and we danced to Imagine Dragons... while plugging our ears, it was super loud. All in all it was a pretty awesome first day. Here is our before and after shots... which technically were taken after the first day but whose counting right?




Friday, September 2, 2011

Moving Day

Well I can't speak for the other girls but I was terrified and excited and anxious and... well you get the point... about moving to Logan but moving day final arrived! Moving day just happened to be on different days for each of us. The over zealous Kaitlin and Natalie moved in on Thursday while Marcie and I dug our heels in and didn't make it up until Saturday.  For moving in blind, we got lucky. With the exception of some rather curious paintings and  far too many lamps it was quite homey. We delved into creating a place of our own. After hiding the paintings and excess lamps in a closet,  some redecorating and a minor heist for some fans (we didn't have air conditioning, now we kinda do) we could relax in our newly refurbished pad. I think we all have a favorite thing about the new place for me it is the kitchen with an entire drawer dedicated to my Tupperware, or maybe the three closets in each bedroom, is good.

                         The living room... proud of our roots.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Welcome to the Island Homestead!

After two incredible years as Snow College badgers, Kaitlin, Natalie, Marcie and I (Tessa) moved to the home of the Aggies. I figured with the new adventures in our lives it was time to attempt a blog. We are just a couple of girls that love to play and explore life, this is the story of our adventures, we welcome you to the Homestead!