So we may have a problem in our awesome apartment... spiders. Now no one tell Kaitlin. I have never seen a group of girls go from somewhat normal to hysterics so quickly as Friday night. Well over the past two months we have been finding nature's gift through out our apartment, spiders. But these aren't just any old spiders, they are huge. Really, I had no idea spiders were made like this except tarantulas. One night however the beast came. As Marice and I studied on our couch, Natalie was in the kitchen and all was well in whoville, until Natalie screamed louder than any banshee I have ever heard, Marcie jumped on my lap (that might have been a combined effort of me jumping to her too) and started in on it too. Then we saw it. There on the kitchen floor was by far the biggest spider I. Have. Ever. Seen. We panicked, and at the ear ringing decibel we were shrieking, we thought for sure our neighbors would come and make sure that a serial killer wasn't adding our names to his list. We were wrong. Natalie, our hero, grabbed a game box and dropped it on the terrible fiend. Well okay she missed the first time but the second time... Victory! Although we were saved from this one, we worry for the next one.( Well, mostly Kaitlin and Marice worry ). If one day we disappeared you will know what has happened to us... the spiders will have won.
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